

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ten things meme

TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now:-
  1. "Be Original!"
  2. "I really really admire you, even though sometimes you annoy me so much with your child act."
  3. "Stop talking and learn to listen to others sometimes!!!"
  4. "Everything that you say infuriates me and I wish you could stop being how you are. I don't think this opinion can ever change no matter how hard I try."
  5. "We don't talk as often and I miss that."
  6. "I can never really understand you."
  7. "Are you really that dumb, or you act like that???"
  8. "You're my best friend and I am really grateful to God for having you."
  9. "No matter how hard I try, I can never really forgive you."
  10. "I love you and I miss you more."
NINE things about yourself:-
  1. I skip breakfast a lot.
  2. I bite my lips and nails tons and it's a habit that feels impossible to break.
  3. I hate self praising people.
  4. I love comics.
  5. I love photography.
  6. I love collecting books.
  7. I love Summer.
  8. And I love summer showers even more!!!
  9. Am so longing to play with my sister's new baby!!!
EIGHT ways to win your heart:-
  1. Calm and laid-back/the ability to just not flip out at things.
  2. Someone who is realistic without having to be depressing. People who are kind of delusional get to me.
  3. Passionate about life.
  4. Honest.
  5. Intelligent.
  6. Original
  7. Respectful
  8. Down to earth.
SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:-
  1. Oh god I got work!
  2. I got to clear this, clean that, maybe arrange this that way, etc...
  3. Why did they do that?? Where did I go wrong?
  4. Who am I going to marry? Where will I end up at?
  5. I should be working...
  6. Is this person a fake too?
  7. God is watching... leave it all upon Him.
SIX things you do before you fall asleep:-
  1. Set the alarm.
  2. Chat a bit with mom/brother.
  3. Check all the doors/windows/gas, etc.
  4. Toss and turn.
  5. Think alot.
  6. Night dreams
FIVE people who mean a lot at the moment:
  1. Parents
  2. Tinu and Kids
  3. Sanalii and Chotiii
  4. Jafar
  5. tehehehe!
FOUR things you see right now:-
  1. My mobile
  2. AMIS Manuals
  3. Ziplock bags
  4. Random clutter...
THREE audio files that you listen to often at the moment:-
  1. Hadith-e-Kisa (trying to memorize!)
  2. Mere Hussain (its such a beautiful nauha!!)
  3. Bhardo joole meri Ya Mohd [saw] - fav Qaseeda!
TWO things you want to do before you die:-
  1. Open a proper Islamic School
  2. Get married and have children.


The Pancake

Six year old Brandon decided one Saturday morning to fix his parents pancakes. He found a big bowl and spoon, pulled a chair to the counter, opened the cupboard and pulled out the heavy flour canister, spilling it on the floor . He scooped some of the flour into the bowl with his hands, mixed in most of a cup of milk and added some sugar, leaving a floury trail on the floor which by now had a few tracks left by his kitten. Brandon was covered with flour and getting frustrated. He wanted this to be something very good for Mom and Dad, but it was getting very bad. He didn't know what to do next, whether to put it all into the oven or on the stove, (and he didn't know how the stove worked!). Suddenly he saw his kitten licking from the bowl of mix and reached to push her away, knocking the egg carton to the floor. Frantically he tried to clean up this monumental mess but slipped on the eggs, getting his pajamas white and sticky. And just then he saw Dad standing at the door. Big crocodile tears welled up in Brandon's eyes. All he'd wanted to do was something good, but he'd made a terrible mess. He was sure a scolding was coming, maybe even a spanking. But his father just watched him. Then, walking through the mess, he picked up his crying son, hugged him and loved him, getting his own pajamas white and sticky in the process. That's how God deals with us. We try to do something good in life, but it turns into a mess. Our marriage gets all sticky or we insult a friend or we can't stand our job or our health goes sour. Sometimes we just stand there in tears because we can't think of anything else to do. That's when God picks us up and loves us and forgives us, even though some of our mess gets all over Him. But just because we might mess up, we can't stop trying to "make pancakes," for God or for others. Sooner or later we'll get it right, and then they'll be glad we tried...


Mr Goh by soks2626

How To Build Relationships With Others?

From the most important principles that should be followed when building relationships with people are: Correct the relationship between yourself and Allah and Allah will then correct the relationship between yourself and others. Studies have proved that every individual has his own unique pattern of understanding and that patterns are usually one of the following: A visual pattern, i.e. one looks at the world and deals with it from a physical point of view. A hearing pattern, i.e. one looks at the world and deals with it based on the words that one hears (one better understands by hearing). An emotion-based pattern, i.e. one looks at the world through one's emotions and inner feelings.If you succeed in understanding how a particular individual perceives things (i.e., which pattern one emphasizes), then you can more easily achieve harmony and understanding between the two of you, as well as achieve confidence in your relationship.Put yourself in the place of others and let them hear from you what you like to hear from them, and behave with them the way you like them to behave with you. Always keep smiling, especially during difficult situations and incidents. Keep your calm and self control when provoked. Always be sensitive to feelings of others, their rights and their needs. Choose your words carefully, especially during the first encounter. Be cheerful when speaking and beware of dull facial expressions and tough looks even if your words are very nice. When the atmosphere is not appropriate to talk about a particular subject, then it is better to end the talk about that subject in a courteous way and postpone it to a more appropriate time. Decorate your talk with jokes and proverbs without making this overwhelming in your talk, and tell only the truth. This will induce an interactive discussion. Give away gifts even if small ones and rush to help others even if in little ways, because these are means of winning hearts and of building relationships. It is related in Adab al-Mufrad of Al-Bukhari that the Prophet (may peace and blessing be upon him) said: "Give gifts as it will create love amongst you." Spread Salam (Islamic greeting) and reply to a greeting with a better one. This is a key to winning others' hearts, so be eager to own this key. Keep your promises and be truthful in your talk. This will make others love you even when you cannot accomplish what they want. Be generous within your means. Even whatever little that you may give will put you in a high position in the hearts of people. No one can win the hearts of others while he is described as stingy and not generous. Be simple and spontaneous in dealing with others. Being organized in your life will make you win others' respect, even that of your enemies. Be clean in your body, mouth and clothing, be stylish without exaggeration, and put on a nice fragrance; all these will make others that are dealing with you more comfortable, instead of making them avoid you. These principles can be applied under all circumstances and in all roles - at work, at home, with our husband or our wife, our father, our sons, our friends, or with strangers

World's biggest swimming pool

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How To Get Things Done

Posted by Tejvan Pettinger -

There is an old saying “If you want something done, ask a busy person. ” There is a lot of truth in this. Sometimes, we struggle to do anything productive - even if we have time on our hands. But, at other times we can do alot because we prepare, are focused and do it with enthusiasm.
There are several small things that can make a big difference to how successful we become. These are some tips to help get things done.

Be Clear What you Want to do.
It might seem a rather obvious point, but if we are not clear what we want to do - how can we do it effectively? I have a student who always talks of giving up smoking. Half of him wants to stop, but the other half enjoys it. If you want to do something difficult like give up smoking you have to be 100% committed. If you do something but are holding onto reservations, you will not be fully committed and so it will be much harder, if not impossible. Too often we drift along with vague ideas we should be doing something; we hold a certain guilt for not doing it, but, we fail to clearly resolve to take action - so it gets left on the back burner.

Clear Out the Junk.
One of the biggest obstacles to being productive is getting distracted by small silly things. Having a tidy / clear workspace makes a big difference to being able to work with great focus. Entering a clear, simple work environment gives a definite subconscious psychological boost. Just try tidying your workspace, ruthless clearing out the junk and pieces of paper - you will definitely notice the difference. We have a rather romantic view of the eccentric genius working in paper strewn mess coming up with complex equations. But, for most of us, working in this kind of environment makes it much more difficult to do anything. Investing 10 minutes to create a clear workspace is a good investment of time.

Do One Thing at A Time
It is not possible to do more than one thing at a time and be focused. Our attention gets split and we struggle to do either effectively. This doesn’t just mean physically doing only one thing at a time; it also means having our thoughts focused on one particular task. When writing an essay, we need to ignore other thoughts of what we will be doing tomorrow. There is no benefit in worrying over things that we have no control.

Be in the Right Environment
As we have mentioned in previous points, the real secret for getting things done is being 100% committed and focused. Another thing that can help is getting into the right environment. For example, if you need to work at home, create a suitable space for your work. If you carry your laptop into the lounge in front of the TV, you can get easily distracted. Even changing clothes can make a difference. Sometimes, I wander out into the garden in my slippers and start half-heartedly gardening. When you do something be in the right space, environment and with the right tools / equipment.

The art of getting things done doesn’t mean we have to be a permanent hive of activity, business and stress. The problem is that we are often ‘busy’ doing unimportant and inconsequential things. We need to make a list (either written or mental) of what needs doing and doing the most pressing things first, even if it is not necessarily the most pleasant.
Feel that whatever you do there is an opportunity cost. If we spend time flicking through tv channels it means we don’t have time for something more fulfilling and worthwhile.

Finish what you start.
The hardest thing with getting things done is often just getting started. It takes a mental effort to get started, so once we overcome this barrier try finishing it in one go. If we keep stopping and starting we will waste precious time and loose focus. Where possible try to benefit from economies of scale. e.g. rather than checking emails several times throughout the day, set aside one or two times to answer and deal with your inbox. This is more efficient than responding piecemeal to incoming messages. (and often when you are trying to do something else as well.)

Read the Instruction manual
It’s a bit of novelty in our ipod generation, but so many times I try to do something without any preparation, make it worse and then have to go back to read the instruction manual. Good preparation can save a lot of heartache and wasted effort. Jumping straight in without any clear plan isn’t usually the best way to get something done.

Be Enthusiastic for what you do.
If we can always maintain enthusiasm for what we do, our enthusiasm will carry us through all obstacles and problems. This is a real secret of getting things done.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Financial Crises

Yup... crises...

Ur way of Undressing Reflects ur personality!!

Till now you might have heard that clothes reflect ones personality. Well now that fact is as old as pintux. Here's an interesting forward that claims to reveal your personality traits according to the way you undress. So are you a pealer or a teaser? Well, the way you undress might just help you discover yourself better. Go on and indulge in self-exploration. Throw, dump, remove, just do your own thing...

1. If you throw your clothes all over the place, you're a friendly, life-of-the-party type. You are free with your thoughts and opinions, not caring much about what others think of you. Your parents might think your room looks like a cyclone's hit it? But it actually represents your happy, individualistic nature! Stay that way!

2. If you remove each piece of clothing and put it away carefully, you are a serious person who likes life to be very calm. You are comfortable with routine work. And you believe that the best way to deal with life's problems is to prevent them in the first place. You are a perfectionist. By nature you are quite shy. You're dependable and sometimes intense. You think carefully before making decisions. You go about your tasks methodically, with concentration.

3.If you take off the shirt, and ten minutes later get around to the pants, you are an extremely self-confident person. You are naturally bright and intellectual. You are also a deep thinker who loves to ask questions and ponder over the meaning of things. You hate being rushed and you do not like to be hassled. Usually you like a lot of free time for yourself.

4.If you get out of your clothes as quickly as possible, you are concerned about others and what they expect from you, but you're worried about your own needs. You are family-oriented, and stay extremely busy. You often feel stressed, but most of those heavy expectations come from your own head! Give yourself a break, you don't have to be perfect!

5.If you take off your rings, earrings, necklace, watch, etc before anything else, you are a warm and sensitive person. You are considerate and thoughtful, and you give good advice to your friends. You are a natural born romantic. Helping friends or anybody for that matter is your second nature. You hate liars and you would love the world to become a better place.

6. If you don't have an undressing routine and you never do it the same way twice, you are a very curious and interesting person. You enjoy a broad range of activities. You take risks and enjoy fun and adventure. The word monotony cannot dampen your spirits at any cost, as you live life kingsize. Having fun is as much a part of your routine as slogging it out at office.

Three things never turn back...

Just for Today

If someone is rude, if someone is impatient, if someone is unkind... I will not respond in a like manner.

If I come across someone who treats me harshly or unfairly, I will quietly ask God to bless that individual. I understand the "enemy" could be a family member, neighbor, co-worker, or a stranger.

3. TODAY I WILL BE CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT I SAY: I will carefully choose and guard my words being certain that I do not spread gossip.

I will find ways to help share the burden of another person.

I will forgive any hurts or injuries that come my way.

I will reach out anonymously and bless the life of another.

I will practice the golden rule - "Do unto others as I would have them do unto me" - with everyone I encounter.

My smile, my words, my expression of support, can make the difference to someone who is wrestling life.

I will eat less; I will eat only healthy foods. I will thank God for my body.

I will spend a little more time in prayer today: I will begin reading something spiritual or inspirational today; I will find a quiet place (at some point during the day)!

Summer is here

Summer is here... aaahhh the fun!!
Mr Goh by soks2626

Who is this? U? ME? HUM?

The day I saw this picture, I had some kind of thoughts. I have been thinking about this picture from then on. The specialty of this picture is that the half of it is always true with all of us, all the time and in all the situations.The left half of the picture is in no colour mood with tears rolling down the eyes. In contrast, the right side of the face is in vibrant colours with a smiling face. So, a person can either be in a sad or in a happy mood and all the other moods according to me will for sure fall in one of the two categories.

Recently I came across a question in a book- Two men coming out of coal mines with one person's face being dirty and the other person's face clean. Now who do you think will wash the face? Obviously, the man with the dirty face, RIGHT? But you will be surprised, the answer actually was the other way. The man with clean face washes his face. The man with dirty face looks at the clean face of the other person and assumes his face to be in the same condition too. But the man with clean face looks at the dirty face of the other person and assuming his face to be in the same condition and washes his face.

The purpose of me discussing this question here is to say that- "The life is absolutely the way we look at it and not actually what we are.. In the very miserable condition if we can rejoice over others happiness we can find happiness too. Life can be miserable in our happiest moments if we look at the ugly side of the life and suffer for it". Just observe- even the picture has to say that the dull face has little space to occupy compared to the brighter one. Its not exactly half.

The bottom line is- Try to be happy always, look at the brighter side of the picture even in your darker part of life. YOU, ME AUR HUM, everybody has to see life in both colours but always try to focus on true bright colours of it.

Pretty Cool

Read out loud the text inside the triangle below.
More than likely you said, 'A bird in the bush,'!
and. ....... if this IS what YOU said, then you failed to see that the word THE is repeated twice! Sorry, look again.
Next, let's play with some words.
What do you see?

In black you can read the word GOOD, in white the word EVIL (inside each black letter is a white letter).
Now, what do you see?
You may not see it at first, but the white spaces read the word optical, the blue landscape reads the word illusion. Look again! Can you see why this painting is called an optical illusion?
What do you see here?

This one is quite tricky! The word TEACH reflects as LEARN. Last one.
What do you see?

You probably read the word ME in brown, but....... when you look through ME you will see YOU! Do you need to look again?
Test Your Brain. This is really cool.
The second one is amazing so please read all the way though.

Count every ' F ' in the following text:



WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.

READ IT AGAIN ! Really, go Back and Try to find the 6 F's before you scroll down.
The reasoning behind is further down.

The brain cannot process 'OF'.

Incredible or what? Go back and look again!!
Anyone who counts all 6 'F's' on the first go is a genius.
Three is normal, four is quite rare.


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